Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Case of the Purloined Stash (part 2)

I was sitting out on the front porch this afternoon enjoying some much needed r&r. It was a perfect cool breeze blowing and nature was in its full glory. Hubby had laid out at great lunch for all our local and visiting aviary friends here in our Dragonfly Alley. All the red finches were feasting along side the goldfinches, sparrows and an occasional woodpecker. The doves were waddling around cleaning up the after all the others. Marielle was scooping the place to make sure everyone was being accommodated when she started mumbling. After a few ar's I looked to see that we had an unexpected visit from the Blue Bird clan. They have never visited here before and I thought it was really strange. After a few chirps and ar's, Marielle was alerted that the head secret agent known as White Feathers in Georgia has been alerting all out of state aviary clans to be on the look out for anything out of the ordinary. It seems someone had been sneaking into yarn stashes and is trying to smuggle their stolen goods across country. The last known sighting indicated that it was intercepted and altered it was heading this way. So Mr. White Feather's sent the Blue Bird Clan down south into unknown regions to alert all the local aviaries. So Marielle went in to let the Chi's, Popeye and Hornytoad know what was going on and that a planned strategy must be started and who would be taking the first watch. Hornytoad took his post by grabbing the swing and pretended that he was just swinging. The Redfinch clan thanked the blue bird clan and offered them some good snacks and showed them where the showers were before they headed out to continue alerting other states.Marielle received a coded message today from secret agent covet Ripley. She is to be on alert and start casing the post office. Patty has to go to work really early in the mornings because she just opened up their new restaurant and won't be able to do an area check at the post office until late in the evenings. Marielle has all has provisions in her fanny bag. With several change of cloths if someone takes a notice of her while she checks out the post office. Marielle has alerted the postal clerk Judy to be on the look out for any strange packages, and to sneak it to her immediately! Stay tuned for further information....

The sky was dark and the temperature seemed to be dropping to a chilling rate. Something was a miss today. There seemed to be a greater amount of birds today at Dragonfly Alley. Quite unusual for a weekday. Marielle was spending the day with Judy at the post office helping her sort out the packages when there it was. “The box”. This was the one the Ripley mentioned. Out of the corner of Marielle’s eye she caught a glimpse of this cute looking tan dude. He winked at her. And just as fast as he came in, he was gone. Marielle had the package and waited till Jeff came to open the box to check the mail. She was just dozing off when she heard the key. There he was, she jumped into hands holding tightly to this huge package. She was in her little miss innocent disguise so know one would notice her. She was riding shot gun on top of the package all the way home. When they pulled up Marielle cased the joint to make sure no one was about to jump out and surprise them. Patty heard the car pull in and had the door open for a quick entrance. As Patty shut the door Marielle brought the package in to the bedroom and collapsed from exhaustion. Being a secret agent can get a girl tired quickly it was time for a nap. The package was safely in Patty’s hands. She will need her rest for next week when she will have to help sneak the package across the border to it’s next destination. Till then….

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